ProBlack Publishing LLC



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Books by Harrell
785 15th street, Office 478
Berlin, de 81566

+123 456 7890

I think my target audience is the black race. I write primarily about issues that affect the black culture. I know that all races of people have cultural issues but it is the issues that affect the black race, my people, that I am concerned about.

Believe it or not, I write for the purpose of helping the world, whether it be local or international. My writings are based on my experiences and what I see is causing conflict between people.

I’m not that kind of writer. I feel that many people know there are issues in the world, but they might be younger and never told of how issues came to be. I write on real life issues so to bring a better understanding as to how issues of today came to be.

Some have said that about me. But those same people who say it, they too ask questions, have issues and talk about people or issues of the world. I think my writings are related to subjects that a lot of people are living, dealing with, so people think I’m calling them out.

My inspiration comes from the life I’ve lived, from my experiences. Plus, I have always been observant of human nature and what is going on in the world.

I hope I can reach people and bring about some understanding. That’s basically it. Sometimes my writing is misunderstood, maybe because I address touchy issues, but I mean well.

I enjoy getting my thoughts and feelings onto paper, then sharing it with other people.

The best way to buy this book is through the websites, , or . You can also buy them from me personally. Also, book stores will be listed on the websites.

I would advise them to write their passion, what they love. The key to completing a book is endurance. I’d tell them to stick to it. Do something everyday towards the goal.  And don’t ever give up.  

I am also a filmmaker, photographer, and videographer. You can see my films at:


the third door book
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